About me

My first travel experience was a solo trip to Europe for five and a half weeks. With the ‘risks’ I took, I probably should have been dead multiple times over.  Instead I was infected by the travel bug and destined for a lifetime of wanderlust.

7 years later, disillusioned by the corporate rat race, I quit and left it all behind and moved to Central America to become a tour leader (not that I had any of the required qualifications). At the end of my time there, I was living off the grid on a yoga farm in Costa Rica before being sucked back into working for The Man.

I-guana go on an adventure!!!!

5 years after that, I uprooted my life as love invited me to come and start a new life in Europe.  It was but a spark and after a year it had fizzled – leaving me once again free to travel excessively, before finally coming home.

Deep in the grotto of Sintra, Portugal

Eventually this section will end with how I now travel full time and all I do is write about my adventures.

But for now, I’m busy on a different kind of adventure – building my own business.  I’ll keep traveling though, enough to stave off the travel bug that nibbles incessantly at my toes.

1If you’d like to follow my Confessions of an Entrepreneur – I’d love to have you.  Just be forewarned – this won’t be the feel good story of me looking back on my success.  This is the Blair Witch, as it happens version.  I’m not sure how this story ends, but you’re welcome to join me 🙂  https://abadassentrepreneur.bookmark.com


beeAnd on a totally unrelated note, if you’d like to follow my Beekeeping adventures, I’d love to introduce you to the magical world of bees.  Screw milk – I’ve GotHives.ca.  It’s a random addition to all things travel and work, but who couldn’t use a little more sweetness in their lives?